

So, if this surprises anyone, they haven't been paying attention for the last 4000 years. Although I must deplore the new jargon,
Police forces started recording the religion of faith-hate crime victims only this year. They did so on the instruction of the Association of Chief Police Officers (Acpo), which wanted a clear picture of alleged community tensions around the country, following reports of Muslims being attacked after September 11 and the July 7 London bombings last year.
However, the first findings, for July to September, obtained by The Sunday Telegraph under freedom of information legislation, show that it is Jews who are much more likely to be targeted because of their religion.
No kidding.

ObDigression: What's with that URL? "nislam117.xml" on a story confirming that anti-Semitism puts real people and their property at much more risk than anti-Muslim sentiment, imaginary or real? What exactly is wrong with humanity, anyway? Jews go around minding their own business and everybody hates the ever-loving protoplasm out of them, but Persons of Heads of Rag crash planes into buildings, blow up trains all over the place, busses and whatnot, tourist bars in Bali and weddings in Jordan, and the cry goes up around the world, Don't hurt them! It's a religion of peeeeeeeeeeeace!

Tell it to the Israelis. Although you have to give some credit to folks like Hamas, who are really, in their heart of hearts, equal opportunity haters. They hate the Joos, naturally, but also -- or even more so, hate anyone in their own community who doesn't hate Jews as bloodthirstily as they do, and of course they hate all of the above more than even they love their own children or any members of their own families. And on top of that, they have time and energy left over to hate anyone who gets in their way, in any way, shape, or form.

So when Abbas called a new election since the Palestinian factions haven't been able to pretend to be grownups long enough to form an actual government, Hamas called it a "coup". Not content with hating the game, they decided to make sure everyone know they hate the other players with, shall we say, a passion.
Fighting between Hamas and Fatah escalated Sunday, as the foreign minister's convoy and the president's Gaza residence came under attack. Et cetera, et cetera.
I should say, Fatah is no slouch at hateful hating, either.

Final cheerful thought from the Torygraph: "The CPS report revealed that not a single person accused of an anti-Semitic crime had been prosecuted on a charge of religiously aggravated offending."

Whites can't cry racism; okay, they're the natural-born oppressors and all that, so there's some consistency if not logic. But Jews? Consistently on the short end of the stick whenever any thug needs a subgroup scapegoat? I guess it's not considered aggravated since the status quo is an atmosphere permeated with offending against the Jewish religion.



Jeezus. Will people stop "improving" things and breaking them all to hell?

I. Don't. Want. Everything. Linked. To. Fucking. Google.

Holey mothra of cod. LiveJournal is looking better and better by comparison with this abortion.


